Lorem ipsum
Phasellus diam dolor, euismod a ullamcorper eu, pharetra ut leo. Integer ultricies turpis a justo accumsan vehicula. Nulla et sem sapien. Nam ut imperdiet nibh. Cras tincidunt quam id velit tempus porttitor. Pellentesque sed odio neque. Vestibulum massa turpis, ultricies non velit feugiat, aliquet vulputate ex.
My Updates

Ashley and Sandra's Head Shave
Monday 8th Jul Ashley and Sandra are excited to announce we will both be shaving our heads on the 18th of July 2024 at 10.30am at the Careflight base at Northmead Share
Ashley's fundraising
Tuesday 21st Mar Hi please join us in raising vital funds for this amazing cause,Thank you to my Sponsors

Kel’s Tupperware

Kel’s Tupperware
From Kel’s Tupperware group we wish you all the very best xx 😘

Gaston Chan

Miss Carney
Such an amazing thing you are doing Ash!! So proud of you :)

Ebony Turnbull

Corey O'brien
What great initiative! Well done!

Donna Abraham
A wonderful cause to bring into the spotlight! Best wishes Ashley and Sandra on your fund raising efforts

Sue Colfax
Good on you two - you are amazing! ♥️

Well done Ashley!

Scott Wilson

Sharon Rhodes

We wish you all the very best! From Kel’s Tupperware Group xx